At Mother Maria Anna Brunner School we strive to provide an exceptional educational experience rooted in faith and community. Julie Behrens serves as the Tuition Coordinator for the 2025-2026 school year and is your point of contact for tuition assistance and fee collection. Parents of Mother Brunner Catholic School students have the following possible sources for Financial Aid assistance available to them:
Tuition Assistance Options Grades K-8
The State of Ohio program sponsored through Ohio School Choice entitled the 'EdChoice' program. This program provides funding for K-12 students residing within a low-performing public school district. The family can apply for EdChoice assistance, which provides funding for most Elementary School tuition. For information, go to:

Facts Grant and Aid Assessment will be conducting the financial need analysis for Mother Brunner Catholic School for the upcoming school year.
Families applying for financial aid consideration will need to complete an application and submit the necessary supporting documentation to FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. Applicants must apply online at https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3XKHK
The application fee is $35 per family.
Once an online application has been completed, the following information will need to be sent to FACTS to complete the application process:
• Copies of your most recent Federal tax forms, including all supporting tax schedules.
• Copies of your 2021 W-2 forms for both you and your spouse.
• Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, and TANF.
All this supporting documentation must be sent to FACTS in one of the following ways:
• Uploaded in PDF format online • Faxed to 866-315-9264
• Mailed to: FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment, P.O. Box 82524, Lincoln, NE 68501-2524
Please be sure to include the applicant ID on all faxed or mailed correspondence.
If you have any questions, please contact the school at 937-277-2291 or email jbehrens@brunnercatholicschool.org

All K-8 grants from the Catholic Education Foundation will be awarded based on the assessed financial need of the family. The assessment is processed using a third-party company (FACTS) which will examine a family's income and suggest a level of need. This grant will not exceed the amount of $1,200 per student for tuition aid. These grants must be applied for annually and will be awarded without distinguishing between families based on religion. These grants are open to Self-pay and EdChoice Scholarship families that qualify. Families applying for financial aid consideration will need to complete an application and submit the necessary supporting documentation to FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. The application fee is $30 per family.
For more information, go to: http://catholicbestchoice.org/k-8-tuition-information
Applicants must apply online at: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/3XKHK

Aid is provided on a year-to-year basis and cannot be guaranteed for more than one year. This is due to various factors, including but not limited to the number of people seeking aid, the financial health of the parish, and the overall need of the group of people applying for assistance. Preference is shown to parishioners. If you wish to be considered for aid, you must apply every year your student attends our school. The application process is completed using the FACTS Grant & AID Assessment. Applicants must apply online.